Spring 2023 ECJ: April 12-16
The Spring 2023 East Coast Jam has passed. To be notified when registration opens for the next jam, please subscribe to our email announcements.
Spring 2023 East Coast Jam Event Info
Where: Claymont Society, Claymont Court Estate, Claymont Mansion Road, Charles Town, WV 25414
See Travel Info for travel detailsWhen: April 12, 2023, 05:00 PM, to April 16, 2023, 02:00 PM
Official kickoff is Wednesday night, April 12 at 6:30 PM dinner. Jammers can begin arriving as early as 5:00. Contact us if you need to arrive earlier.
Our continuing mission: sharing Contact Improvisation. Bring your whole dancing self, share quests and questions, connect and explore!
See our home page for general info about the East Coast Jam
See the At-the-ECJ Details page for various particulars
Visit Claymont Court Seminars for info about the Jam retreat center.
The rest of this page has the jam-specific details like costs and organizer contact info. Registration rates are organized around the actual costs, which vary depending on when and how you'll be attending.
To actually register, follow the registration page instructions. (But get acquainted with the details below, first.)
Spring 2023 COVID-19 Safety Policy
All participants must agree to and abide by our COVID-19 Safety policy. Read it before registering.
Costs and Payment
The cost depends on your attendance and how soon you register.
A bed in a shared room and delicious meals are included in the charges. (Meals are vegetarian, and entail simple breakfasts and full lunches and dinners.)
Blankets and pillow are included; sheets and towels are available for a small laundry fee, like $5 to $10 total.
Arranging to camp onsite reduces your cost by $20/night
Please let us know that you are camping when you register - there's a space on the form for that. You'll need to pay the difference if you change your mind beforehand (let us know) or crashing indoors at the last minute to escape weather, etc. There's some risk: we might not have spare beds for last minute changes, though that's unusual.Kids 11 and younger also get discounted food and lodging. Speak with the organizers (see below) to determine how that specifically affects your charge.
Note: The full balance is due ten days before the jam - April 2.
A $50 deposit is required to secure your enrollment, with full balance paid by a week before the jam.
The deposit is refundable until the end of the early registration period, March 26.
You can pay the balance online using our handy Online Payments page or with a land-mailed check. If you send a check, you must send it to arrive before April 2.
Workstudy: available but get in touch with us promptly. Work study availability closes 2 weeks before the jam. Contact the work study organizer (see below) for details and arrangements.
Cost Schedule
Our baseline registration prices hold until before March 27, and they depend on how many nights you attend:
$490 Full Jam
Wednesday dinner through Sunday lunch$410 3 nights
Thursday after lunch through Sunday lunch or Wed. after lunch through Sat. lunch$290 2 nights
Friday after lunch through Sunday lunch or Thur. after lunch thru Sat. lunch or Wed. after lunch thru Fri lunch$190 1 night
Any jam day from after lunch through lunch of the next day
Registration must be for a contiguous days – you can't skip days
You don't have to attend through Sunday. For example, your last day could be Friday or Saturday.
Registration for any day starts after lunch. Our registration facility is organized this way - if you want to arrive earlier that day you need to bring your own lunch.
The actual cost depends on both your attendance plans and how soon you register. Here are the registration deadline offsets, with an example based on the Full Jam attendance price:
+$0 Early registration:
Start until end of Sunday Mar 26
Eg Full Jam attendance at the early-bird price: $490+$50 Late registration:
Monday Mar 27 until registration close Apr 2
Eg Full Jam attendance at the late price: $540
Organizer Contact Info
To reach the Spring Jam organizers as a group, send an email to spring-ecj@googlegroups.com.
To reach a specific organizer:
Registration (etc.)
Kathleen Hunter
Email: khunterphoto@gmail.com
Phone: 919 360-8601
Contact Kathleen particularly for registration questions
Workstudy (etc.)
Abby Williamson
Email: abigailrwilliamson@yahoo.com
Phone: 512 573-1325
Contact Abby particularly for workstudy questions
Coordination / Online Tech (etc.)
Ken Manheimer
Email: ken.manheimer@gmail.com
Phone: 202 525-6260
Contact Ken particularly for communications and online facilities questions (websites, online registration and payment, mailing lists and outreach, etc)