COVID-19 Policy
Spring 2025 Covid Policies
At this time, the Spring 2025 jam will not require testing unless a jammer is symptomatic. However, the Spring 2025 East Coast Jam organizers reserve the right to change this policy should there be a substantive uptick in Covid cases in the weeks before the jam. An example of a possible policy change: it may be necessary to require Covid testing prior to and/or post arrival. Prior to registering for the jam, please read to make sure you understand and agree to abide by the policies, including potentially more conservative/proactive policies should they be deemed necessary by the organizers.
Anyone who is registered can cancel due to COVID concerns with no penalty until April 27. No penalty means refund of the deposit along with any principal payment. Cancellations after April 27 due to contracting COVID will be refunded for lodging and half the cost of meals.
Cancellations not related to COVID concerns or illness are fully refundable (including deposit) until April 21. From April 21 through April 27, the $50 deposit is not refundable but the balance paid is refundable.
Everyone attending the jam:
Agrees to limit their exposure to illness the 5 days prior to attending the jam. Each of us has a role to play in keeping ourselves and our community safe. Everyone attending the jam should avoid contact with people who are sick or have been exposed to COVID. If you develop symptoms prior to the jam, notify the organizers and do not come to the jam. If you are flying to the jam, strongly consider wearing a high quality mask while at the airport or on the plane.
Agrees to bring at least one rapid COVID test to the jam to take in case you become symptomatic or there is an exposure at the jam.
Agrees to bring a high quality mask (N95 or KN95) to the jam. While Claymont is not currently requiring wearing masks indoors, this could change if we were to have someone test positive after arrival.
Should have a plan for getting home if you need to leave early. Consider contingency options with any travel-mates prior to the jam.
We hope that all will stay healthy and well while at the jam, but we can't be sure of that. Should someone develop possible COVID symptoms while at the jam:
Anyone who is symptomatic should notify the organizers immediately and self-isolate and test
If a jammer tests positive or is getting sick, they need to keep apart from the rest of the group.
If for some reason the sick jammer is unable to leave immediately, the sick jammer will isolate in a mansion room or outdoors at a distance from others. If they are unable to depart before the next meal, the meal will be brought to them. The organizers will continue to coordinate with them to help facilitate their isolation and departure.
All jammers who have had any close contact with the sick jammer should test themselves with a rapid Covid test kit.
Depending on the circumstances, those remaining at the jam may need to self-test and additionally wear a mask.
If the organizers feel that an emerging situation requires it, they may shut down the jam without possibility of refunds.